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Professional Resume

Self-taught OSS embedded and android engineer highly skilled in java.


Personal Information

Item Data
Name: Pavly Gerges
Description: Experienced OSS Embedded and Android Engineer highly proficient in Java and C
Current work related to the industry: OSS developer at jMonkeyEngine and various other OSS projects
Original Proficiency: Medical Intern

Technology Experience

General Skills


Java - C/C++ - Kotlin - Bash (Bourne-Again Shell) - HTML/Javascript - Assembly

Technologies and Frameworks:

Java Streams - Java Concurrency - Java Reflection - Java Native Interface (JNI) -
Native Invocation API - Java Core Utilities - jSerialcomm - jMonkeyEngine -
Android SDK - Android NDK - AVR-Core - GNU/Linux Bin-utils - Gradle -
gnu-libc (embedded-linux and avr) - Arduino-Core - Kiosk-Systems - Pi4j-v1 -
Pi4j-v2 - Linux-Kernel


Medical science - Software Design patterns - Software/Hardware algorithms (Finite-State-Automaton/DI/GoF-templates) -
Applications Infrastructure - Front-end android engineering - Back-end android engineering -
Infra-structure android engineering - Basic Electronics - Basic embedded systems -
APIs Development - DevOps (Github-Actions) - Static libraries development - Dynamic libraries development -
Android Java and Native modular libraries - Embedded GNU/Linux - Basic calculus -
Basic Linear algebra and vector-spaces - GNU Makefile - GNU-C-Compiler-Toolchains (GCC) -
Low-Level-Virtual-Machine Toolchain-Set (LLVM) - Cmake - Java Instrumentation -
GNU/Linux Virtualization - GNU Debugger (GDB) - Applied Linear algebra and calculus - Advanced electronics and embedded systems

Projects of concern

Other Projects

My journey to the tech industry

Back in 2018, I started coding as a Java developer, my first exposure to code was javatpoint, I joined multiple Facebook groups and we were doing simple, but no simpler projects, my second exposure to code was Derek-Banas YouTube Channel, it has a lot of Java coding tutorials and Java old and new crash courses, after that, I started to gain more confidence in coding by starting to write GUI applications using the Java built-in Swing Framework and at that instance, I started to read and study more about Java in advance using Java-The-Complete-Reference 7th-e mainly.

In 2019, I joined the medical school.

In 2019, I started learning about the Android SDK, and we did it, Thomas Meshel and I managed to publish our first Android application on google play, the Cairo-Bus application, which is suspended now according to some new policies on google play.

Within 2019-2020, we initiated our team under the name ‘The Scrappers’ which is the name of this account now, and we started a new Android application ‘The CozySnippets Notepad’, an advanced notepad application for android written primarily in Java, the application supports basic note-taking, highlighting, colored text, paint and record note for each note and in addition to that, we managed to utilize the Firebase ML-Kit, the OCR (Optical-Character-Recognition) API, I agree there were a lot of issues as we haven’t had that good command of clean code and software architecture yet, though I were learning hard from the Android-SDK core code.

In 2020, I met another friend Bishoy Reyad, who works primarily on hardware projects with Arduino, and we managed to build the Binary Clock, a simple IoT application that controls a physical binary clock through Bluetooth RFCOMM, however unfortunately and again; due to tech diversity and inconsistency of the work, this project hasn’t made it to a long-term-support version and it’s currently discontinued too.

In 2020, the team was partially broken; due to technical diversion, as Thomas started learning Flutter and other web-based backend APIs and, I started to learn jMonkeyEngine, a complete 3D Game Engine written primarily in Java with a minimalistic code-first approach, and joined the forums.

I wrote my first Arcade game using jMonkeyEngine, the JPluto, a simple arcade game with two levels, The Vast Universe and Mars, the game is designed to be a standalone running on Linux game console as a Kiosk game with custom hardware, the initial test with Arduino was successful, though a little bit chunky, from this point, I decided to learn Embedded Systems to gain more skills to finish this project and I am now still into it.

In 2021, I made my first contribution to jMonkeyEngine, the JmeSurfaceView, a GL-ES surface-view renderer layout holder to extend jMonkeyEngine development on the android platform, and from that date, I gained a lot of confidence in the open-source industry, and I would like to give some credits to Mr Stephen Gold and the community managers who happily support new developers.

In 2021, I started also to dig deeper into Java and discover Java reflection APIs and JNI APIs.

I also did a contribution to the pi4j-featured projects for a prototype project that connects a jMonkeyEngine vehicle to a custom joystick hardware through the MCP-3008 ADC and the SPI bus.

In 2022-2023 and now, I initiated the AVR-Sandbox, Serial4j, jme-alloc, Google-Developers-Sohag, and my schedule is currently being crowded with a lot of unfinished projects, I learned a lot about project management on GitHub through issues, milestones, projects, and automation via CI/CD.

I currently use books and documentation to learn Unix advanced programming, using the old-school C programming language, to incorporate that into Java applications and use this within my game and hardware projects, one example is the Serial4j API, an advanced full-featured and easily customizable terminal IO library with a Serial-Monitor front-end API.

P.S.: The journey hasn’t arrived at an end yet, but a new start is being accomplished when I introduced the Automata4j framework as proof of the finite-state-automata theory and its life applications, and still going through Arithmos featuring advanced implementations of common data structures and algorithms, join me by contributing with your knowledge and skills.

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